The MBA Real Estate Program at Columbia owes its beginning to Benjamin H. Schore, 85, who died in Hanover, New Hampshire on August 12, 2020. A 1959 graduate of Columbia Business School, Ben worked tirelessly to implement his vision for a graduate program in real estate within the MBA program. From 1977 to 1991, he served as an adjunct professor, creating one of the first-ever graduate courses in international real estate and another in real estate capital markets. He attracted outstanding professionals to bring practical wisdom into the classroom, developed teaching cases, and financially supported his vision of professionalizing the study of commercial real estate. With fellow Columbia MBA grad and business partner, Earle Kazis, he created the Business School’s first chair in Real Estate, initially held by Professor Lynne Sagalyn, whom he attracted to Columbia to build the MBA Real Estate Program, and now held by Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. Schore enjoyed a multi-disciplined career within real estate: He was a mortgage banker, real estate developer, and real estate investor, in addition to being an educator. And he was a philanthropist. Besides his passion for real estate, Ben was deeply engaged with the visual and performing arts, in Boston and in Hanover. He grew up outside of Boston, and knowing that he had to support himself and save for his college education, he formed the Ben Schore Orchestra while still in high school and continued with it while at Brandeis and Columbia. In retirement, Ben made it his mission to award grants to young creative artists and musicians throughout New England It is with deep sadness that I pass along this notice of Ben’s passing. He was a wonderful and generous person who made a real difference in many spheres of interest. Lynne B. Sagalyn Earle W. Kazis and Benjamin Schore Professor Emerita of Real Estate October 30, 2020 |